Fig. 4.
Recovery of t-LTP with increasing spike number. (A) Role of postsynaptic spike number for inducing synaptic changes by a pre-post protocol at +10 ms in 1.8 mM extracellular calcium. With only one action potential (blue), t-LTD is induced. With two action potentials (red), on average, no plasticity is induced. Note the large variability in the plasticity. With three (green) or four (purple) action potentials, t-LTP is induced. The increase in the number of postsynaptic action potential allows t-LTP to be restored. (B) Role of postsynaptic spike number for inducing synaptic changes by a pre-post protocol at +10 ms in 1.3 mM extracellular calcium. With only one action potential (black), no plasticity is induced. With three action potentials (orange), t-LTP does not recover. *P < 0.01; n.s., not significant.