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. 2020 Sep 22;71(11):2905–2916. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciaa696

Table 1.

Estimates of the 4 Stages of the Continuum of Human Immunodeficiency Virus care for 2016 in 11 European Countries by Key Population and Sex

Country Population PLHIV [95% CI] % Diagnosed [Estimated Range] % Ever Treated [Estimated Range] % Suppresseda [Estimated Range] % Suppressed of PLHIV
[Estimated Range]
MSM 2920 [2781–3058] 92.8 [88.6–97.4] 93.9 [90.2–97.6] 86.1 [77.3–95.0] 75.0 [64.2–86.7]
PWID 1030 [997–1062] 96.8 [93.9–100] 92.8 [88.0–97.6] 81.7 [74.9–88.4] 73.4 [61.5–86.1]
Heterosexualsb 2786 [2648–2989] 91.2 [85.0–95.9] 95.0 [91.4–98.7] 86.2 [78.5–93.9] 74.7 [64.6–87.3]
Men 5338 [5134–5542] 91.9 [88.5–95.6] 93.2 [88.8–97.7] 85.0 [76.4–93.6] 72.8 [62.9–83.2]
Women 1739 [1631–1846] 93.8 [88.4–100] 94.0 [89.8–98.3] 85.6 [78.5–92.7] 75.5 [64.7–87.5]
Total 7079 [6946–7330] 92.3 [89.2–94.1] 93.4 [89.0–97.8] 85.2 [76.9–93.4] 73.4 [65.0–83.4]
MSM 1112 [1012–1268] 69.6 [61.0–76.5] 95.9 [93.9–97.9] 92.3 [90.6–94.1] 61.6 [60.5–62.7]
Total 1488 [1356–1708] 74.1 [64.5–81.3] 96.2 [94.2–98.2] 92.1 [90.2–94.1] 65.7 [64.2–67.0]
MSM 2934 [2598–3270] 88.5 [79.4–100] 98.4 [98.1–98.8] 97.6 [97.1–98.2] 85.1 [84.6–85.6]
PWID 452 [411–567] 90.7 [72.3–99.8] 95.0 [93.3–96.6] 92.0 [89.8–94.1] 79.3 [81.1]
Heterosexuals 2454 [1997–2919] 94.2 [88.3–100] 97.7 [97.2–98.2] 94.7 [93.4–96.1] 86.8 [85.1–88.0]
Men 4706 [4342–5269] 90.1 [80.5–97.6] 97.2 [96.7–97.6] 96.8 [95.8–97.7] 84.7 [83.8–85.5]
Women 1704 [1536–1872] 90.1 [82.1–100] 97.2 [96.7–97.6] 93.6 [92.3–94.9] 82.0 [80.8–83.1]
Total 6233 [5775–6690] 92.7 [86.3–100] 97.2 [96.7–97.6] 95.9 [94.8–97.0] 86.4 [85.4–87.3]
MSM 64 900 [63 600–66 200] 85.9 [84.7–87.3] 90.6 [85.9–91.9] 96.8 [96.5–96.9] 75.3 [74.6–76.0]
PWID 11 900 [11 500–12 300] 97.4 [96.3–98.1] 90.6 [87.2–93.9] 95.3 [94.7–95.9] 83.7 [82.0–86.2]
Heterosexuals 95 700 [93 500–98 100] 84.9 [83.2–86.7] 89.4 [88.6–90.3] 93.9 [93.7–94.2] 71.3 [70.8–71.8]
Men 115 600 [113 700–117 300] 85.1 [84.0–86.4] 89.8 [89.0–90.5] 95.6 [95.5–95.8] 73.1 [72.8–73.5]
Women 57 000 [56 000–57 900] 88.2 [87.3–89.4] 89.5 [88.1–90.9] 93.8 [93.5–94.0] 74.0 [73.2–74.9]
Total 172 700 [170 800–174 500] 86.1 [85.2–87.1] 89.7 [89.6–89.8] 95.0 [94.9–95.2] 73.4 [73.2–73.5]
MSM 545,00 [51 200–58 300] 85.1 [85.1–90.6] 94.2 [90.6–97.8] 93.3 [90.2–96.5] 74.8 [72.3–77.4]
PWID 8,800 [7,900–9,700] 89.7 [81.4–100] 91.8 [86.1–97.4] 81.8 [75.0–88.5] 67.4 [61.8–72.9]
Heterosexuals 18 500 [16 800–20 200] 87.6 [80.2–96.4] 94.7 [91.3–98.0] 89.2 [86.1–92.3] 74.0 [71.4–76.5]
Men 66 100 [61 400–71 200] 85.8 [79.6–92.3] 93.8 [90–97.5] 91.7 [88.2–95.2] 73.8 [71.0–76.6]
Women 15 600 [14 000–17 100] 88.5 [80.7–98.6] 94.4 [90.8–98.0] 87.3 [83.5–91.2] 72.9 [69.7–76.2]
Total 82 900 [77 100–89 400] 86.6 [80.3–93.1] 93.9 [90.2–97.6] 90.8 [87.2–94.3] 73.8 [70.9–76.7]
MSM 6767 [6519–7066] 88.5 [84.8–91.9] 89.0 [85.4–92.4] 84.4 [80.1–88.7] 66.5 [63.1–69.9]
PWID 2156 [2027–2336] 59.9 [55.3–63.7] 81.2 [74.1–88.3] 73.7 [68.6–78.8] 35.9 [33.4–38.3]
Heterosexuals 4406 [3922–4889] 73.8 [66.5–82.9] 91.3 [88.7–93.8] 79.6 [69.7–89.5] 53.6 [47.0–60.3]
Men 11 040 [10 627–11 624] 79.7 [75.7–82.8] 88.2 [84.2–92.1] 82.2 [76.5–87.8] 57.8 [53.8–61.8]
Women 2404 [2135–2680] 72.0 [64.6–81.0] 87.1 [82.0–92.2] 79.5 [70.5–88.4] 49.8 [44.2–55.4]
Total 12 953 [12 582–13 619] 81.3 [77.3–83.7] 88.3 [84.4–92.1] 81.8 [75.6–87.9] 58.7 [54.3–63.1]
MSM 48 458 83.9 88.7 [85.5–91.9] 92.4 [91.2–93.5] 68.8 [67.9–69.6]
PWID 26 481 95.9 85.3 [78.5–92.1] 84.5 [78.3–90.7] 69.1[64.0–74.2]
Heterosexuals 57 569 86.7 91.8 [89.0–94.6] 89.6 [87.4–91.7] 71.3 [69.6–73.0]
Men 104 255 86.7 89.2 [85.7–92.8] 91.2 [89.1–93.2] 70.6 [68.9–72.1]
Women 36 397 91.7 90.2 [86.4–94.0] 86.4 [83.3–89.6] 71.4 [68.9–74.1]
Total 140 652 88.0 89.4 [85.9–93.0] 90.1 [87.8–92.4] 70.9 [69.1–72.7]
MSM 13 876 [13 674–14 127] 89.8 [88.2–91.1] 97.8 [97.4–98.2] 96.8 [95.7–97.9] 84.4 [83.4–85.3]
PWID 360 [358–364] 98.6 [97.5–99.2] 96.7 [94.9–98.4] 92.0 [88.1–95.8] 87.5 [83.9–91.4]
Heterosexuals 7557 [7362–7757] 87.6 [85.3–89.9] 97.0 [96.0–97.9] 92.4 [89.7–95.2] 78.5 [76.2–80.1]
Men 18 588 [18 327–18 995] 88.2 [86.3–89.5] 97.5 [96.9–98.2] 95.9 [94.2–96.9] 81.6 [80.3–83.0]
Women 4257 [4157–4396] 91.3 [88.4–93.5] 97.1 [96.3–98.0] 92.1 [89.5–94.8] 80.6 [78.3–82.9]
Total 22 845 [22 530–23 269] 88.8 [87.2–90.0] 97.5 [96.8–98.1] 95.1 [93.3–96.9] 82.4 [80.8–83.9]
MSM 58 936 [56 222–63 156] 83.5 [78.4–86.6] 92.9 [91.3–94.6] 88.6 [83.3–93.8] 68.7 [64.6–72.7]
PWID 20 278 [20 091–20 614] 97.6 [96.0–98.5] 86.4 [82.0–90.8] 79.2 [69.6–88.9] 66.8 [58.7–75.0]
Heterosexuals 30 404 [28 620–32 270] 83.0 [79.4–86.2] 93.3 [91.0–95.6] 83.9 [76.5–91.3] 64.9 [59.2–70.7]
Men 119 937 [110 455–131 380] 86.2 [82.3–88.8] 92.5 [90.5–94.5] 87.3 [81.3–93.2] 69.6 [64.8–74.3]
Women 26 559 [23 962–29 527] 86.3 [77.6–95.6] 92.2 [89.7–94.6] 82.6 [74.7–90.4] 65.7 [59.4–71.9]
Total 146 500 [134 417–160 908] 86.3 [82.1–88.8] 92.5 [90.4–94.5] 86.5 [80.2–92.8] 68.8 [63.9–73.9]
MSM 98.4 92.2
PWID 93.4 87.8
Heterosexuals 96.0 91.6
Men 96.9 91.3
Women 96.2 92.1
Total 8,098 [8,143–8,061] 89.2 [88.8–89.6] 96.6 91.6
United Kingdom
MSM 48 800 [46 400–53 600] 88.0 [80.0–92.0] 97.0 93.5 [90.0–97.0] 79.3 [76.2–82.4]
PWID 2,500 [2,300–2,800] 75.0 [67.0–81.0] 93.0 88.0 [83.0–93.0] 61.0 [57.6–64.5]
Heterosexuals 49 900 [49 100–51 700] 91.0 [88.0–93.0] 96.0 91.9 [87.0–96.0] 79.9 [76.0–78.8]
Men 70 500 [67 800–75 400] 90.0 [84.0–94.0] 96.0 93.0 [89.0–97.0] 80.4 [77.0–78.8]
Women 30 900 [30 300–31 700] 92.0 [90.0–94.0] 95.0 91.7 [87.0–96.0] 80.5 [76.5–84.4]
Total 101 400 [98 600–106 400] 91.0 [86.0–93.0] 96.0 92.5 [88.0–97.0] 80.4 [76.8–84.0]
All countriesc
MSM 303 203 86.0 [81.0–89.0] 93.0 (91.0–95.0) 93.0 [90.0–96.0] 73.8 [71.5–76.1]
PWID 74 007 94.0 [91.0–96.0] 88.0 [83.0–93.0] 85.0 [78.0–91.0] 69.6 [64.2–75.1]
Heterosexuals 269 571 86.0 [84.0–89.0] 92.0 [91.0–94.0] 91.0 [88.0–93.0] 72.5 [70.1–73.9]
Men 516 064 87.0 [83.0–90.0] 92.0 [90.0–94.0] 92.0 [88.0–95.0] 73.0 [70.3–75.5]
Women 176 560 89.0 [92.0–94.0] 92.0 [90.0–94.0] 89.0 [86.0–93.0] 73.2 [70.2–76.2]
Total 702 848 87.0 [84.0–90.0] 92.0 [90.0–94.0] 91.0 [88.0–94.0] 73.2 [70.7–75.7]

Percentages correspond to proportions of individuals out of the previous stage, except for the last column where the percentage suppressed out of the total PLHIV is presented.

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; MSM, men who have sex with men; PLHIV, people living with human immunodeficiency virus; PWID, people who inject drugs.

aHIV-RNA measurement ≤200 copies/mL at last visit.

bNon-MSM, non-PWID, that is, mainly people presumed to have acquired HIV via sex between men and women.

cBased on available data: for Croatia only overall estimates and estimates for MSM were produced, and for Sweden only overall estimates were produced. The range of the number of PLHIV was not estimated since not all countries have provided lower and upper estimates. For stages 2–4, ranges were estimated based on available data.