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. 2021 Jan 3;15(1):1–22. doi: 10.1007/s12065-020-00540-3

Table 12.

A summary of CNN applications in medical image segmentation surveyed in Sect. 5

References Organ Dataset Comparison against Performance metric
[8] MS lesion ISBI 2015 and MICCAI 2008 datasets Five publicly available methods DSC, TPR and FPR. Achieved better TPR and FPR, but less DSC values
[36] Breast Dutch breast cancer screening dataset State of the art methods AUC
[72] Breast The Cancer Genome Atlas breast cancer dataset Three texture classification methods namely RPLSVM, LBPLSVM and THLB Accuracy, efficiency and scalability and F-score of 85%
[77] Nucleus Brain tumor, pancreatic NET and breast cancer SVM, RF and DBN Precision, recall and F-score
[83] Heart CCTA scans of 60 patients Manual segmentation Sensitivity 95% and specificity 96.6% DSC 85% and mean absolute surface distance 85%
[81] Eye glaucoma DRISHTI-GS, Messidor Manual Precision, recall, F-score