Total number of biomarkers |
27 759 |
Number of clinically approved biomarkers |
26 493 |
Number of pre-clinical or investigational biomarkers |
1226 |
Number of singular biomarkers (one marker – one condition) |
26 628 |
Number of biomarkers in multi-marker panels |
1219 |
Number of multi-marker panels |
451 |
Number of chemical biomarkers |
1089 |
Number of protein biomarkers |
142 |
Number of DNA mutation biomarkers |
26 021 |
Number of DNA SNP biomarkers |
353 |
Number of viral/bacterial DNA biomarkers |
23 |
Number of karyotype biomarkers |
154 |
Number of diagnostic biomarkers |
25 560 |
Number of prognostic biomarkers |
102 |
Number of predictive biomarkers |
6746 |
Number of Exposure (diet and chemical) biomarkers |
265 |
Number of diet-related biomarkers |
49 |
Number of diseases/conditions with biomarkers |
699 |
Average number of biomarkers per disease |
41 |
Percentage of chemical biomarkers with ROC or cut-off data |
98% |
Percentage of protein biomarkers with ROC or cut-off data |
29% |
Percentage of DNA biomarkers with ROC or cut-off data |
>90% |
Number of chemicals with structures |
978 |
Number of proteins with 3D structures/PDB links |
121 |
Number of protein sequences |
142 |
Number of DNA sequences |
26 374 |
Average number of words in disease descriptions |
147 |
Average number of words in chemical descriptions |
214 |
Average number of words in protein descriptions |
176 |
Average number of words in gene descriptions |
89 |
Number of references (PubMed IDs or DOIs) |
5391 |