PK-DB content. (A) Studies. Overview of the study content in PK-DB. PK-DB-v0.9.3 (9) 512 studies containing 1457 groups, 6308 individuals, 1408 interventions, 73017 outputs, 3148 time-courses and 37 scatters related to acetaminophen, caffeine, codeine, diazepam, glucose, midazolam, morphine, oxazepam, simvastatin or torasemide. The circular plot is structured in stripes and rings, with each stripe representing a single study. In each ring, the counts of different data types are depicted. Dot size corresponds to the number of entries. The rings give an overview of the following information (1) name of the study; (2) number of outputs (PK parameters and other measurements). Red dots represent reported data, blue dots data calculated from time-courses; (3) number of time-courses; (4) number of participants. Purple dots represent participants with individual data, green dots represent participants which are reported as a group; (5) the number of interventions applied to the participants in the study. (B) Substances Overview of the substance content in PK-DB. Substances with very few entries (<2 studies) are excluded from the plot. The circular plot is structured in stripes and rings, with each stripe representing a different substance. Substances were clustered in five substance classes (caffeine, glucose, codeine, and paracetamol) by agglomerative clustering of the pair co-occurrence of substances within studies. Classes are labeled according to the most frequent substance within the class. Each co-occurrence of two substances is visualized by a connecting ribbon between the substances in the center. The rings describe the following information for the respective substance (1) name of the substance; (2) number of outputs (PK parameters and other measurements). Red dots represent reported data and blue dots represent data calculated from reported concentration-time profiles. (3) the number of time-courses; (4) number of applied interventions; (5) number of studies in which the substance occurred. For complete figures see Supplementary Material 1 and Supplementary Material 2.