Figure 4.
Meta-analysis of caffeine clearance depending on caffeine dose. Caffeine clearance is stratified based on reported smoking and oral contraceptive (OC) use. UNKNOWN (grey) data corresponds to unreported smoking and OC, CONTROL (green) are non-smokers not taking OC, SMOKING (blue) are smokers not taking OC, OC (dark orange) are non-smokers taking OC, and OC-SMOKING (light orange) are smokers taking oral contraceptives. For the stratification groups the number of individuals (I), number of groups (G) and number of total participants (TP) is provided in the legend. Individual and group data is depicted, with group size encoded as dot size. Data points from groups are labeled by the study identifier. Reported PK parameters are depicted as circles, PK parameters calculated from concentration-time profiles as squares, and PK parameters inferred from PK data and reported bodyweights of the participants as triangles (to convert to dose per bodyweight). Typically, dosing is reported in mass units and clearance in a volume per time. Sometimes both values are reported in bodyweight units. Here, all available data is harmonized. Suspicious data from four studies (18–21), very likely from a single clinical trial, was excluded.