Fig. 10.
Preparation of vascular scaffolds by the integrated technology of electrospinning and 3D printing: A Preparation of surface structures by the integrated technology of electrospinning and extrusion-based 3D printing to fabricate assembled cell-laden sheets. Reproduced with permission [49]. Copyright 2019, Springer Nature. B Integrated technology of electrospinning and inkjet 3D printing: Bi Preparation of vascular scaffolds by the integrated technology of electrospinning and inkjet 3D printing. Reproduced with permission [62]. Copyright 2018, Elsevier. Bii Preparation of vascular scaffolds by the integrated technology of electrospinning and EHD 3D printing based on a hybrid electrospinning and EHD 3D printing system. Reproduced with permission [144]. Copyright 2017, Emerald Publishing Limited. C Preparation of vascular scaffolds by the integrated technology of electrospinning and stereolithography. Reproduced with permission [145]. Copyright 2017, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc