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. 2020 Nov 15;222:117276. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117276

Table 1.

Results from the whole brain analysis for the different condition contrasts. This table lists the brain regions that emerge at a threshold of p < 0.001, k = 20 uncorrected. Regions indicated with bold font signify clusters significant at the p < 0.05 FDRcorrected threshold.

Region BA MNI Coordinates
t-value Cluster Size PFDR-Corrected
x y z
APPR > CON motion
R Cuneus 19 12 −79 31 9.63 4008 < 0.001
L Superior temporal gyrus 22 −57 −31 16 6.52 88 0.004
L Superior parietal lobule 7 −18 −55 61 6.33 123 0.001
L ACC 32 −9 44 −5 6.03 163 < 0.001
L Postcentral gyrus 6 −51 −10 31 5.68 123 0.001
R Superior parietal lobule 7 21 −52 64 5.66 175 < 0.001
R Superior fronto-orbital gyrus 45 24 20 −14 4.89 24 0.183
R Caudate 48 6 11 1 4.54 50 0.031
APPR > CON text
L Superior occipital gyrus 19 −18 −73 22 9.37 3347 < 0.001
R Postcentral gyrus 1 60 −13 25 6.82 920 < 0.001
L Supramarginal gyrus 40 −57 −25 19 6.09 422 < 0.001
L ACC 10 −12 44 −5 6.60 232 < 0.001
R Superior parietal lobule 7 18 −61 52 5.99 276 < 0.001
L Superior parietal lobule 7 −21 −55 61 5.67 191 < 0.001
R Precentral gyrus 4 24 −13 52 5.31 44 0.035
L Putamen 8 −21 17 −11 4.93 80 0.004
L Precentral gyrus 4 −18 −13 61 4.92 28 0.107
R Superior orbito-frontal gyrus 45 24 17 −14 4.81 90 0.003
AVOI > CON motion
R Mid temporal gyrus 37 48 −61 4 11.61 4210 < 0.001
R Precuneus 31 6 −49 46 5.89 221 < 0.001
R Hippocampus 36 −13 −11 4.79 34 0.218
AVOI > CON text
L Cuneus 18 0 −85 16 7.85 2446 < 0.001
R Mid occipital gyrus 19 42 −76 16 5.85 162 < 0.001
L Mid occipital gyrus 19 −39 −82 16 5.54 233 < 0.001
R Supramarginal gyrus 40 60 −22 25 5.38 85 0.005
R Precentral gyrus 24 60 8 19 5.13 24 0.191
L Supramarginal gyrus 31 −60 −28 37 4.98 78 0.006
R Insula 40 36 −13 40 4.82 24 0.191
R Mid Cingulum 40 15 −34 40 4.39 97 0.003
R Insula 40 42 −13 −5 4.07 24 0.191
APPR > CON motion vs. APPR > CON text
R IFG 19 45 −70 −5 8.09 234 < 0.001
L Mid occipital gyrus 19 −48 −79 4 6.49 73 0.008
APPR > CON text vs. APPR > CON motion
L Superior occipital gyrus −15 −91 1 6.31 90 0.010
L Paracentral lobule 6 −15 −16 64 5.50 49 0.070
R Lingual gyrus 18 15 −82 −14 5.33 26 0.174
R Cuneus 19 18 −91 34 4.97 34 0.147
L Precentral gyrus 6 −54 −1 34 4.24 28 0.174
L Superior frontal gyrus 6 −21 2 46 4.16 23 0.191
AVOI > CON motion vs. AVOI > CON text
R Mid temporal gyrus 19 51 −70 −2 9.66 354 < 0.001
L Mid occipital gyrus 19 −51 −76 1 6.50 104 0.001
AVOI > CON text vs. AVOI > CON motion
R Calcarine 18 18 −91 1 7.35 56 0.029
L Mid occipital gyrus 18 −15 −91 −8 5.76 48 0.029

Bold font indicates p-values less than 0.05 FDRcorrected.