A. Heatmap of RNA-seq results shows that the majority of differentially
expressed genes were downregulated in UTX-deleted SmoM2 tumors compared to
wildtype tumors (n=2 per group).
B. Gene ontology analysis shows genes involved in immune response was
overrepresented in UTX regulated genes.
C. Heatmap of examples of SHH medulloblastoma specific genes, immune
genes, chemokine, and chemokine receptor genes in the RNA-seq tumor samples.
D. RT-qPCR confirmation of T cell markers in RNA-seq data using tumor
samples (n=18 for Utx+/+ tumors and n=14 for
UtxF/F tumors).
E. (Left) Representative IHC images of CD3 staining of medulloblastoma
sections at P28. (Right) Quantification of CD3 cells by IHC staining (P28, n=5
for Utx+/+ tumor and n=3 for
UtxF/F tumor) and later tumor stage (n=4 for
Utx+/+ tumor and n=3 for
UtxF/F tumor).
F. (Left) Representative flow cytometry images of CD3 and CD8 staining
at late tumor stage. (Right) Flow cytometric quantification of CD8+ T
cells (n=5).
Student’s t-test, *, p<0.05; **, p<0.01.