(A–C) Log2-fold change across CELF conditions considering all reporter elements, or reporter elements with HD ≤ 8 or ≤ 16, for any element with significant condition X sequence interactions.
(D–F) Log2-fold change in TE for conditions, as in (A)–(C). Data points in (A)–(F) were averaged for redundant barcodes, then, across replicates, with lines representing medians. Statistical comparisons in (A)–(F) were assessed by Mann-Whitney U tests.
(G) Log2 expression across five example reporter library elements across CELF, reference, and mutant conditions.
(H) Log2 TE across example reporters in (G). Data points in (G) and (H) are averaged across barcodes, with each dot representing a replicate.
As in Figure 3, horizontal lines in (G) and (H) represent average expression or TE ± 95% confidence intervals, normalized to the CTL/reference. Post hoc pairwise comparisons in (G) and (H) computed with multcomp in R. n.s., p > 0.1; †p < 0.1, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.001, ***p < 0.0001, ****p < 1E–5. Green points represent library elements selected from less-stringent CELF6 target criteria (enrichment over HA/YFP input alone).