Th/Tc17 cells function better than IL-7/15 CAR T cells when combined with a STING agonist, anti–PD-1, and anti–GR-1 mAb therapy. Mice were treated with anti–GR-1, anti–PD-1, DMXAA, and Th/Tc17 CAR T cells, 7/15 CAR T cells, or mock T cells as described in Fig. S5. (A) Tumor growth in individual mice receiving therapy. (B) Kaplan–Meier survival curve. (C) Summary of CAR T cell accumulation in the spleen. (D–G) Mice received 7/15 CAR + D + aP or Th/Tc17 CAR + D + aP treatment. T cells were isolated from the tumor 7 d after therapy and characterized by flow cytometry. (D) Representative plot (left) and summary graph (right) of Ki67 expression from CD4+ CAR T cells with six to nine mice per group. (E and F) Assessment of the memory phenotype of CD8+ CAR T cells from the tumor at 7 or 12 d after 7/15 CAR + D + aP or Th/Tc17 CAR + D + aP treatment. (G) Comparison of memory precursor effector cells of CD8+ CAR T cells within the tumor 7 d after 7/15 CAR + D + aP or Th/Tc17 CAR + D + aP treatment. Data shown as mean ± SD; ns, not significant; *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001; ****, P < 0.0001, significance was determined by Student’s t test or log-rank Mantel–Cox test comparing survival. Mouse studies used a minimum of five mice per group and represent at least two independent experiments where data are shown as either representative or pooled.