(A) Control and IR-cKO mice were superovulated and their oviducts retrieved and flushed 12-14 h post-hCG. Significantly fewer oocytes were retrieved from oviducts of superovulated IR-cKO mice compared to control females (n=6, P <0.001). (B) Normal cycling females were bred with males of established fertility and their uteri flushed 3.5 days post coitum (dpc). Significantly fewer blastocysts were retrieved from IR-cKO females (n=6, P <0.001). (C) To assess embryo quality, cell nuclei were stained with DAPI and the number of cells per blastocyst was scored. Scale bar = 25 μm. (D and E) Representative images from immunolocalization of FOXO3 protein in oocytes of control (D) and IR-cKO (E) superovulated mice 24 h post-hCG (n = 3 per genotype, scale bars = 100 μm. FOXO3 is present in primordial (arrowheads) and primary follicles, but absent in secondary and antral (*) follicles of control mice. As expected FOXO3 is found in the oocytes of early stage primary follicles (left panel) in IR-cKO mice. However, in IR-cKO the presence of FOXO3 is maintained in secondary and periovulatory (*) follicles.