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[Preprint]. 2020 Dec 23:2020.12.22.422708. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2020.12.22.422708

Fig. 3. Homogenous Time Resolve Fluorescence (HTRF).

Fig. 3.

The concentration dependent binding properties of SARS-CoV-2 E-WT (Bt-WT peptide, left panel) and E-mutant (Bt-Mut peptide, right panel) peptides with purified GST-PDZ domain #2 of ZO1 are shown. Concentrations of the GST-PDZ domain fusion protein ranging from 0–50 nM (indicated by the various symbols) were incubated with the indicated concentrations of E-WT (left) or E-mutant (right) peptides (x-axis), and the HTRF signal was measured. The E-WT peptide did not bind to GST alone (left panel, blue dots); however, clear concentration dependent binding of the E-WT peptide to GST-PDZ domain 2 of ZO1 was observed. The E-mutant peptide did not bind to any concentration of GST-PDZ domain 2 of ZO1 tested (right panel). A Kd value of 29nM was calculated for E-WT peptide binding to 3nM concentration of GST-ZO1 PDZ domain #2 (bottom panel).