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[Preprint]. 2022 Nov 9:2020.12.20.423533. Originally published 2020 Dec 20. [Version 2] doi: 10.1101/2020.12.20.423533

Figure 7. The brain-muscle axis is activated in a Drosophila model of Alzheimer’s disease (AD).

Figure 7.

A. Climbing index. Flies that expressed the AD-associated protein Aβ42 in the CNS (elav>Aβ42) showed reduced climbing capacity compared to controls (UAS.Aβ42) 10 days after eclosion. B. ROS assay. H2DCFDA was used to measure ROS in the brain. elav>Aβ42 flies produced more ROS than controls (UAS.Aβ42). C. Confocal micrographs of indirect flight muscles stained with TMRE (violet) to assess mitochondrial membrane potential. Muscles from elav>Aβ42 flies showed less TMRE staining than controls (UAS.Aβ42). D. Quantification of mitochondrial membrane potential shown in C. E. qRT-PCR. elav>Aβ42 flies expressed more upd3 in the brain and more socs36e in indirect flight muscles than control flies (UAS.Aβ42). F. Western blot. GFP expression from the JAK/Stat activity reporter 10XStat92E.GFP in muscle was enriched in elav>Aβ42 flies compared to controls (UAS.Aβ42). G. Quantification of GFP expression shown F. Experiments in B-G were performed on 10 day old flies. Significance was determined by one-way ANOVA (A), and two-sided unpaired Student’s t-test (B, D, F, H). For Western blots, qRT-PCR, and ROS assays relative expression was determined for a minimum of three biological replicates. See Fig. 1 legend for Climbing Index and TMRE data points. Error bars represent SEM. (**) p< 0.01, (***) p< 0.001, (****) p < 0.0001, (ns) non-significant.