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. 2021 Jan 4;16(1):e0238087. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0238087

Table 1. Orangutan records, most likely P. tapanuliensis, but outside the current range, that we consider to be reliable.

Number Location Source Information type Vegetation/Elevation Likely status
1 a Angkola Tulp 1641 Specimen seen by author Hill forest <750m Breeding population
2 a Kampar Regency Müller 1837 Anecdotal Dryland forest <750m Unclear
3 Around Bukittinggi Anonymous 1842 Anecdotal Hill forest <750m Unclear
4 Between Fort de Kock and Bonjol Anonymous 1842 Anecdotal Hill forest <750m Unclear
5 Bukit Gedang Ludeking 1862 Anecdotal Sub-montane forest >750m Roaming male
6 Tapanuli Von Rosenberg 1878 Anecdotal or seen by author Dryland forest <750m Breeding population
7 Sayur Matinggi Kramm 1879 Seen by author Hill forest >750m Breeding population
8 Lumut Kramm 1879 Seen by author Tall Peat swamp forest <750m Breeding population
8 Lumut Nests observed by Serge Wich and Tine Geurts in June 2001 Seen by author Tall Peat Swamp forest <750m Breeding population
8 Nests near Lumut Nests observed by Serge Wich and Tine Geurts in June 2001 Seen by author Tall Peat Swamp forest <750m Breeding population
9 Hadjoran Neumann 1885 Anecdotal Hill forest >750m Roaming male
10 Batang Nilo L.H. 1888 Anecdotal Freshwater swamp forest <750m Unclear
11 Lake Maninjau Twiss 1890 Anecdotal Hill forest >750m Unclear
12 Bukit Silajang Twiss 1890 Anecdotal Sub-montane forest >750m Unclear
13 West Coast Hagen 1890 Anecdotal + reference to specimen Hill forest <750m Unclear
14 Jaga Jaga Miller 1903 Anecdotal Freshwater swamp forest <750m Breeding population
15 Berdiri River Miller 1903 Anecdotal Dryland forest <750m Breeding population
16 Upland areas west of Lake Toba Volz 1912 Unclear, probably anecdotal Sub-montane forest >750m Breeding population
17 Kualu River Volz 1912 Anecdotal Dryland forest <750m Roaming male
18 Talu Captain H.G.C. Pel 1935 Seen by author Hill forest >750m Unclear
19 Rimbu Panti Meijaard 1997 Anecdotal Hill forest <750m Unclear
20 Talamau Mountain Laumonier 1983 Seen by author Montane forest >750m Unclear
21 Bhara Induk logging base camp Meijaard 1997 Anecdotal Dryland forest <750m Roaming male
22 South of Batang Toru Orangutan observed by Martin Jones in 2004 Seen by author Dryland forest <750m Unclear
23 Barumun Kuswanda 2014 Anecdotal Sub-montane forest >750m Unclear

a Point numbers in the table correspond to the numbers in Fig 1. Vegetation information was derived from Laumonier [29]. The 750m contour was obtained from the NASA SRTM Digital Elevation Model data [36].