Fig 5. Neighbor-joining tree of AeAct-4 and related homologs in mosquitoes.
A phylogenetic analysis of AeAct-4 (in bold face) and all paralogs with ≥80% amino acid similarity in mosquitoes and Drosophila. The gene identifiers include Ae. aegypti (AAEL in red), Ae. albopictus (AALF in orange), An. gambiae (AGAP in green), An. darlingi (ADAC in blue), Cu. quinquefasciatus (CPIJ in yellow), and D. melanogaster (FBpp in purple). Female-specific genes are represented in the green shaded area, and male-specific genes are in the blue shaded area. All branch points with >50% support based on 1,000 bootstrap replicates are indicated.