Figure 4.
Dynamic nature of spherical assemblies or condensates generated by the Cep63 (424–541)•Cep152 (1205–1295) complex in vitro. A and B, The fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) analysis for His-Cep63 (424–541)•Cep152 (1205–1295)-generated hollowed spherical assemblies (a) or inside-filled spherical condensates formed in the presence of 5% PEG 3350 (b). Both the turnover of its constituents with those in the surroundings (left) and their internal rearrangement within a condensate (right) were determined. Images were taken every three seconds for 360 seconds and representative images at indicated time points were provided on top. To calculate the efficiency of internal rearrangement, relative signal intensities were determined by dividing the intensities in photobleached area (“b”) by the intensities in their corresponding unbleached area (“a”). Graphs are shown in mean ± s.d. (n = 23 for turnover and n = 15 for internal rearrangement for [a]. n = 14 for turnover and n = 13 for internal rearrangement for [b]). The red dotted lines indicate the level of the fluorescence intensity immediately after photobleaching