Figure 3.
Developmental differences in bolting and flowering time as well as onset of senescence in plants over-expressing different phosphovariants of MYB75 (WT, T131A and T131E) from a constitutive CAMV35S promoter, in the Col-0 WT background. (a) Among 35Spr:MYB75WT lines, L 11 bolted and flowered at a rate comparable to Col-0 WT (untransformed control), while L12 and L14 displayed early bolting and flowering compared to Col-0 WT controls. All 35Spr:MYB75T131A lines bolted and flowered early compared to Col-0 WT. Conversely, 35Spr:MYB75T131E plants showed delayed bolting and flowering. (b) The T131A mutation led to earlier bolting and flowering, while T131E mutation appears to slow down the transition from vegetative to reproductive growth. (c) Furthermore, 35Spr:MYB75T131E lines displayed delayed maturation and onset of senescence compared to all recombinant genotypes analyzed and Col-0 WT controls