Fig. 4. Chromatin in individual Drosophila cells is compartmentalized and lacks folding hierarchy at the level of TADs.
a Examples of TAD (black triangles) and sub-TAD (light blue triangles) positions in the haploid X chromosome in individual nuclei with 77,770 unique contacts. b Percentage of TAD and sub-TAD boundaries per cell (excluding TAD boundaries for the same cells) found as sub-TAD boundaries in the snHi-C maps after 50% downsampling. Downsampling was performed 10 times. At the top: TAD boundaries are highlighted with blue lines, sub-TAD boundaries located inside TADs are highlighted with red lines. Boxplots represent the median, interquartile range, maximum and minimum. ****p-value < 0.0001 using the Mann–Whitney two-sided test. n = 20 cells. c Genomic regions with alternative chromatin folding patterns in individual cells. Positions of sub-TADs and TADs identified in bulk BG3 in situ Hi-C data (top panels) are highlighted with light gray and dark gray rectangles, respectively. Positions of TAD boundaries in bulk BG3 in situ Hi-C data are shown with vertical light gray lines. d Heatmaps showing log2 values of contact enrichment between genomic regions belonging to putative A- (negative PC1 values) and B- (positive PC1 values) compartments (saddle plot). PC1 profile is constructed using the bulk BG3 in situ Hi-C data. e Contact probability Pc(s) between transcriptionally active (red) and inactive (blue) genomic bins in the snHi-C data. The light blue shading shows the genomic distances corresponding to the average TAD size in single nuclei. f Average plot of long-range interactions between top 1000 regions of A compartment annotated by bulk Hi-C data (in bulk Hi-C and merged snHi-C). g Average plot of long-range interactions between top 1000 regions of B compartment annotated by bulk Hi-C data (in bulk Hi-C and merged snHi-C). h Average plot of interactions between top 500 regions enriched in MSL (in bulk Hi-C and merged snHi-C) on chromosome X. i Average plot of interactions between top 500 regions enriched in dRING (in bulk Hi-C and merged snHi-C).