Fig. 4. The density of fundic GLP-1-positive cells increases after RYGB surgery in rats.
a Representative photomicrograph showing few GLP-1-positive cells in the gastric pouch fundic mucosa and the alimentary Roux limb (RL) jejunum mucosa section from one RYGB-operated rat. Bar scale 100 µm. Insert: high magnification of a GLP-1-positive cell. The included image is the property of Johnson and Johnson and Ethicon Endo-Surgery (Europe) and is reproduced here with their kind permission. b Quantification of the number of GLP-1 immunoreactive cells per mm2 in the fundic pouch. Data are presented as scatter data plots with mean ± SEM and were analyzed using Mann–Whitney test. *P < 0.05. Source data are provided as a Source data file.