Fig. 4. Concentration of total organic carbon and stable isotope ratios of carbon in bulk organic matter.
Stable carbon isotope ratios show an expected enrichment caused by diagenetic fractionation at the topsoil layer for both soil types, followed by a marked shift in isotopic ratios that indicates a significant contribution of grass biomass to carbon pools at deeper layers of ADE profiles, but not for the surrounding Ultisol. Data points show average values and error bars indicate two standard errors of the mean across maximum contrast profiles (n = 5 for ADE and n = 5 for Ultisol for each 10cm depth; Fig. 1). Inset panels depict the average per cent fraction of pyrogenic charcoal and grass-derived biomass in the total carbon pool (Eqs. 1 and 2) between 10 to 40cm (A), 40 to 70cm (B), and 70 to 100cm (C) depths. Data are shown in Supplementary Fig. 2.