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. 2021 Jan 4;4:1. doi: 10.1038/s41746-020-00373-5

Table 3.

List of digital oximetry biomarkers for the categories: general statistics, complexity, and periodicity.

Biomarker Definition Unit
General statistics
1 AV Blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) mean %
2 MED SpO2 median %
3 Min SpO2 min %
4 SD SpO2 standard deviation %
5 RG SpO2 range %
6 Px xth percentile SpO2 value, by default x = 1 %
7 Mx Percentage of the signal at least x% below median oxygen saturation, by default x = 2, used by Deviaene et al.22 %
8 ZCx Number of zero-crossing points at the x% SpO2 level25, by default x = AV nu
9 ΔIx Delta index26, by default x = 12 s. %
10 ApEn Approximate entropy28 with, by default, m = 1, r = 0.25 times the standard deviation of the data nu
11 LZ Lempel–Ziv complexity31 nu
12 CTMρ Central tendency measure37 with radius ρ, by default ρ = 0.25 nu
13 SampEn Sample entropy29 with, by default, m = 1, r = 0.25 nu
14 DFA Detrended fluctuation analysis36 with, by default, n = 20 %
15 PRSADc Phase-rectified signal averaging (PRSA) capacity22,38. With d the fragment duration, by default d = 10 %
16 PRSADad PRSA amplitude difference22,38,57. With d the fragment duration, by default d = 10 %
17 PRSADos PRSA overall slope38,57. With d the fragment duration, by default d = 10 %/s
18 PRSADsb PRSA slope before the anchor point38,57. With d the fragment duration, by default d = 10 %/s
19 PRSADsa PRSA slope after the anchor point38,57. With d the fragment duration, by default d = 10 %/s
20 AC Autocorrelation %2
21 PSD_total The integral of the power spectral density (PSD) function45 %
22 PSD_band The integral of the PSD function within the band 0.014−0.033 Hz45 %
23 PSD_ratio The integral of the PSD function within the band 0.014−0.033 Hz with respect to the total integral45 nu
24 PSD_peak Peak amplitude of the PSD function within the band 0.014−0.033 Hz45 %