Fig. 1.
(A) HHV-6A subtree consisting of 13 circulating HHV-6A and 38 iciHHV-6A sequences. Gray numbers at each node represent posterior probabilities, showing only those with >0.80. Green labels represent endogenous iciHHV-6, whereas blue labels represent circulating infectious viruses. Where available, confirmation of the chromosomal location of iciHHV-6 is indicated with red labels. Gray text at each tip describes the geographical source of the sequence as well as the ethnicity of the patient where this information was available. Black labels indicate known reference strains of HHV-6A. Note that the long branch of KT895199.1 means that we cannot be confident about its placement due to evidence of long-branch attraction from the ML tree (supplementary fig. S2, Supplementary Material online). (B) HHV-6 Bayesian phylogenetic tree reconstructed using 261 HHV-6 and iciHHV-6 sequences.