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. 2021 Jan 5;22:12. doi: 10.1186/s12891-020-03897-9

Table 2.

Treatment characteristics and outcome of the patients included in this series

Variable Patients (n = 99, %) Initial treatment
Local treatment (n = 60, 60.6%) Observation/medical treatment (n = 39, 39.4%)
 Core needle biopsy 70, 70.7% 38, 63.3% 32, 82.1%
 Open biopsy 29, 29.3% 22, 36.7% 7, 17.9%
Total number of surgeries
 Median 1 1 0
 IQR 0–1 1–2 0–0
 No 82, 82.8% 60, 100.0% 22, 56.4%
 Yes 17, 17.2% 0 17, 43.6%
Tyrosine kinase inhibitor
 No 98, 99.0% 60, 100.0% 38, 97.4%
 Yes 1, 1.0% 0 1, 2.6%
Anti-hormonal therapy + NSAIDs
 No 87, 87.9% 59, 98.3% 28, 71.8%
 Yes 12, 12.1% 1, 1.7% 11, 28.2%
Low-dose chemotherapy
 No 72, 72.7% 56, 93.3% 16, 41.0%
 Yes 27, 27.3% 4, 6.7% 23, 59.0%
Follow up period (months)
 Median 57 58.5 55
 IQR 33–86 35–96 27–85
 No 71, 71.7% 41, 68.3% 30, 76.9%
 Yes 28, 28.3% 19, 31.7% 9, 23.1%
Interval between the diagnosis and event
 Median 18 19 13
 IQR 9–32 9–36 9–24
MSTS score
 Median 26 29 21
 IQR 21–30 23–30 19–29.5

IQR interquartile range, NSAIDs non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, MSTS Musculoskeletal Tumor Society