Fig. 5. L-655, 708 administration promotes sustained functional changes in vHipp pyramidal neuron activity measured 24h later.
a–c. L-655,708 decreases duration of spontaneous IPSC currents in male rats. a Sample tracing of synaptic currents measured at −40 mV holding potential. Upward traces are IPSCs, downward traces are EPSCs. Traces are from rats previously treated with vehicle (upper trace) or L-655,708. b Summary data of EPSC from vehicle- (white bar) or L-655,708- treated rats (dark bar). There was a significant decrease in amplitude and half-width of EPSCs in rats treated with L-655,708. c Summary data of IPSC from vehicle (white bar) and L-655,708 (dark bar) treated rats. There was a significant decrease in amplitude and half-width in hippocampal slices from rats treated with L-655.708. N = 19 neurons from 3 vehicle-treated rats, N = 27 neurons from 4 L-655,708 treated rats. P values are from unpaired students t test, assuming equal variance. d, e L-655,708 increases input resistance and action potential frequency. d Sample tracing of action potentials from 200 pA depolarizing current injections. e Summary data of action potential properties from vehicle- (white bar) and L-655,708- treated rats (dark bar). There was a significant increase in input resistance and action potential frequency in hippocampal slices from rats treated with L-655,708. N = 17 neurons from 6 vehicle treated, N = 18 neurons from 6 L-655,708 treated. P values are from unpaired students t test, assuming equal variance.