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. 2020 Nov 21;25(1):67–76. doi: 10.1007/s00784-020-03266-9

Table 1.

Characteristics of included subjects in different age cohorts and waves of the German Oral Health Studies (DMS). a 35 to 44 years old, b 65 to 74 years old

Parameter DMS III (1997) DMS IV (2005) DMS V (2014)
n % n % n %
(a) 35 to 44 years old
  Total age cohort 655 100 925 100 966 100
  Age (years) Mean (SD), range 39 (3) 35–44 y 39 (3) 35–44 y 40 (3) 35–44 y
  Sex Male 332 50.7 471 50.9 485 50.2
Female 323 49.3 454 49.1 481 49.8
  Educational level Low 195 30.0 222 24.3 265 26.5
Medium 261 40.3 374 40.9 350 36.3
High 192 29.6 318 34.8 358 37.2
  Smoking pattern Never 264 40.6 402 43.9 425 44.1
Former 139 21.4 191 20.9 249 25.9
Current 247 38.0 332 35.2 289 30.0
  Tooth loss Prevalence (%) 502 76.6 544 58.8 549 56.8
Mean MT (SD), range 3.9 (2.8), 0–28 0–100 2.4 (2.8), 0–28 0–100 2.1 (2.9), 0–28 0–100
(b) 65 to 74 years old
  Total age cohort 1367 1040 1042
  Age (years) Mean (SD), range 69 (2.7) 65–74 y 69 (2.7) 65–74 y 70 (2.9) 65–74 y
  Sex Male 578 42.2 480 46.2 489 46.9
Female 789 57.8 560 53.8 553 53.1
  Educational level Low 1031 75.9 666 65.8 642 63.9
Medium 183 14.0 183 18.1 190 18.9
High 145 10.7 163 16.1 173 17.2
  Smoking pattern Never 815 60.1 627 62.0 545 53
Former 358 26.4 305 29.9 362 34.9
Current 183 13.5 88 8.6 131 12.6
  Tooth loss Prevalence (%) 1342 98.2 1013 97.4 1004 96.3
Mean MT (SD), range 17.6 (9.1), 0–28 0–100 14.1 (9.8), 0–28 0–100 11.1 (9.1), 0–28 0–100