Figure 4.
A) Luciferase assay of AXIN1 rs11648673. The G allele had statistically greater enhancer activity than the A allele of rs11648673 in SW480 (P-value=0.0008), HCT-116 (P-value=0.0042), and RKO (P-value=0.0016) human CRC cell lines. RLU, relative luminometer units. B) TCF/LEF reporter assay. Cells were treated with 10 μM CT99021 for WNT activation. Luciferase activity for each mutated HCT-116 cell line +/− CT99021 was normalized to WT HCT-116 (control) cell line at baseline (shown with an *). The log2(fold change) is reported. N=3 independent replicates.