Phenotypes and total anthocyanin content of different development tissues of three Chinese cabbages. (A,R) Images in each vertical sample column (left to right) were collected from 94S17, 11S91, and 95T2-5. (A–C) 10 DAS (Day after sowing) seedlings; (D–F) 20 DAS seedlings; (G–I) 30 DAS seedlings; (J–L) 40 DAS seedlings. (M–O) 50 DAS plants at the early head-formation stage; the head of 11S91 was divided into two parts: In, the interior heading leaves with deep purple color; Ex, the external functional leaves. (P–R) 65 DAS plants at the middle head-formation stage; the head of 11S91 was divided into four parts: S1, interior heading leaves with a deep-purple color; S2, inner heading leaves with a light-purple color; S3, exterior heading leaves; S4, outer functional leaves. The leaf size and positions of 94S17 and 95T2-5 samples at both stages were collected in the same as 11S91. (S) Total anthocyanin content of the development samples, for which the ‘*’, ‘**’, and ‘***’ above each symbol indicate significant, highly significant, and extremely significant differences at p < 0.05, p < 0.01, and p < 0.001, respectively. (T,U) Total anthocyanin content of different heading samples, for which different letters above each column are significantly different at p < 0.05 according to Duncan’s test. The scale bar is 2 cm in (A–C) and 10 cm in (D–R). The values shown are means ± SDs (n = 3).