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. 2020 Dec 23;10:594756. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2020.594756

Table 1.

Model parameters for disease-free survival and overall survival.

Parameters Survival model Scale (λ), Mean (SE) Shape (γ), Mean (SE) Adjusted R2 Correlation Coefficient
 GP regimen Weibull 0.00059 (0.00016) 1.48831 (0.07527) 0.95393 −0.97349
 TPF regimen Weibull 0.00256 (0.00063) 1.14471 (0.06796) 0.93703 −0.97115
 GP regimen Exponential 0.00085 (0.00005) 0.81016 −0.95174
 TPF regimen Weibull 0.00097 (0.00033) 1.15449 (0.09365) 0.89176 −0.95184

DFS, disease-free survival; GP, gemcitabine and cisplatin; PD, progress disease; SE, standard error; TPF, docetaxel and cisplatin plus fluorouracil.