Fig. 3.
Discrete expression pattern and tissue specificity of lncRNAs in C. pomonella. a Principal component analysis (PCA) of 21 samples across multiple tissues and developmental stages based on normalized mRNA (upper) and lncRNA (lower) expression levels. Abbreviations are listed as follows: Ag, accessory gland; Ma, male antennae; Fa, female antennae; Tes, testis; Ov, ovary; Mhd, male head; Fhd, female head; Mmg, male midgut; Fmg, female midgut; E1, egg day 1; E4, egg day 4; L5, 5th-instar larva; FP, female pupa; AF, adult female. b Density plot showing the distribution of tissue specificity scores for all expressed PCGs and lncRNAs in C. pomonella. The statistical significance of the difference in tissue specificity score between lncRNAs and PCGs was demonstrated by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (D = 0.29563, P < 2.2e-16). c Distribution of tissue specificity scores for PCGs and lncRNAs that were assigned to the low (RPKMmax < 5.0), moderate (5.0 ≤ RPKMmax < 50.0) and high group (RPKMmax ≥ 50.0) based on the maximum RPKM value for gene