Fig. 1.
Number of cases per calendar month for mumps, IMD, acute HBV, and Hib among < 18, 18–64 and 65 + year-olds, and number of cases for IPD among < 18, 18–64, 65–79, and 80 + year-olds in the sentinel surveillance covering 25% of the Dutch population, and number of cases per month for pertussis among < 5, 5–11, 12–17, 18–64, and 65 + year-olds from January 2019 to September 2020 relative to the 5-year moving average. Nationwide control measures in view of the COVID-19 pandemic were taken on the 15th of March and are shaded dark in the figure (corresponding to oxCGRT stringency 70–80%). From mid-May, some measures were relaxed in the Netherlands and are shaded light in the Figure (corresponding to oxCGRT stringency 40–60%). Note: For IPD and pertussis, because of a higher number of cases, more age categories were applied than for the other diseases.