Fig. 11.
Increased depth of field without compromising resolution. Cross-sectional images show effect of focusing at different depths, obtained with the global A-line registration algorithm and multiple references focused at different depths: (a) prior to and (b) after merging by simply averaging. Thin red lines indicate the focus positions in strips A-K. The extended depth of focus traverses the entire retinal thickness. (c) En face images at GCL; (d) IPL/ INL plexus; and (e) IS/OS layer are shown, which were extracted from the single average volume in (b). Video 3 (MPEG, 13 MB [URL:]) is a fly-through movie of the same volume, showing globally-registered en face images at all depths. We applied mu-law compression (MATLAB™ function compand44) and a local Laplacian filter (MATLAB™ function locallapfilt45,46) to compensate for the high dynamic range of the AO-OCT images ().