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. 2021 Jan 6;16(2):162–176. doi: 10.1016/j.jtumed.2020.12.005

Table 2.

The binding energies and molecular interaction profiles of the control drug and the active compounds from Azadirachta indica, Mangifera indica, and Moringa oleifera leaves against the main protease of SARS-CoV-2.

Ligands Plant Source Binding Energy kcal/mol No. of H-Bond Residues involved in Hydrogen bond Residues involved in hydrophobic interaction Residues involved in π-stacking Residues involved in Salt Bridge
Caffeic acid M. oleifera −5.6 3 Leu141,Ser144 and His163 Phe140,Leu141,Asn142,Gly143,Ser144,Cys145,His163,Met165,Glu166 and Gln189
Catechin M. indica and M. oleifera −7.2 4 Glu166,Asp187,Thr190 and Gln192 His41,His164,Met165,Pro168,Asp187,Arg188,Gln189,Thr190 and Gln192 His41
Chlorogenic acid M. oleifera −7.2 5 Cys145,His163,Arg188,Thr190 and Gln192 Leu141,Asn142,Gly143,His163,His164,Met165,Glu166,His172,Arg188,Gln189 and Thr190 His41, His163 and His172
Ellagic acid M. indica and M. oleifera −7.3 3 His41,Arg188 and Thr190 His41,Cys145,His164,Met165,Glu166,Asp187 and Arg188
Epicatechin M. indica and M. oleifera −7.0 3 Ser144,His163 and Gln189 His41,Met49,Phe140,Leu141,His163,His164,Met165,Glu166,Asp187,Arg188 and Gln189
Gallic acid M. indica and M. oleifera −5.5 6 Leu141,Gly143,Ser144,Cys145,His163 and Glu166 Phe140,Leu141,Asn142,Gly143,Ser144,His163,Met165 and Glu166
Gedunin A. indica −7.3 1 Asn142 His41,Asn142,Gly143,Cys145,His164,Met165,Glu166,Pro168,Gln189 and Thr190
Hydroxychloroquine Control ligand −6.4 4 Ser144,Cys145,Gln189 and Thr190 Phe140,Leu141,Asn142,Gly143,Ser144,Met165,Glu166,Arg188 and Gln189
Kaempferol M. indica and M. oleifera −7.8 3 Leu141,Ser144 and Gln189 Met49,Leu141,Cys145,His163,Met164,His165,Glu166,Asp187,Arg188 and Gln189
Lupeol M. indica −7.6 His41,Asn142,Gly143,Cys145,His164,Met165,Glu166,Leu167,Pro168,Gln189 and Thr190
Mangiferin M. indica −8.4 9 His41,Leu141,Asn142,Gly143,Ser144,Cys145,Arg188,Thr190 and Gln192 His41,Met49,Leu141,Asn142Gly143,Ser144,Cys145,Met165,Glu166,Arg188,Gln189,Thr190 and Gln192
Myrecitin M. oleifera −7.7 Thr26,Leu27,His41,Met49,Tyr54,Gly143,Cys145,His164,Met165,Asp187,Arg188 and Gln189
Nimbandiol A. indica −7.1 2 Thr26 and Gly143 Thr25,Leu27,His41,Met49,Phe140,Leu141,Asn142,Gly143,Cys145,Gln166 and Gln189
Nimbin A. indica −6.2 2 Arg40 and Arg188 Arg40,Tyr54,Glu55,Met82,Asn84,Cys85,Gly179,Asn180,Phe181,Val186,Asp187 and Arg188 Arg41 and Arg188
Nimbinene A. indica −6.5 2 Asn142 and Gly143 Thr25,Thr26,Leu27,Met49,Phe140,Leu141,Asn142,Gly143,Cys145 and Gln189
Nimbolide A. indica −7.6 3 Glu55,Phe181 and Arg188 Arg40,Asn53,Tyr54,Glu55,Met82,Cys85,Asn180,Phe181,Val186 and Arg188 Arg40 and Arg188
Nimbolinin A. indica −6.2 1 Arg40 Arg40,Tyr54,Glu55,Met82,Asn84,Cys85,Asn180,Phe181,Phe185,Val186 and Arg188 Arg40 and Arg188
Quercetin A. indica, M. indica and M. oleifera −7.5 4 Leu141,Ser144,His163 and Gln189 His41,Met49,Phe140,Leu141,His163,Met165,Glu166,Asp187,Arg188 and Gln189