A) Example synapse between pC1d and postsynaptic aIPg-b. (
B) Top: Example aIPg neurons, one of each type - aIPg-a,b,c from FlyWire (following proofreading). Bottom: Fru+ clones (from
http://www.flycircuit.tw/)with similar morphology to aIPg cell types found in FlyWire. These cells were classified as aIP-g in VFB (
virtualflybrain.org), following
Cachero et al., 2010. (
C) Left: A cross-section of the bundle that connects the aIPg cell bodies with their processes (FlyWire coordinate: 160515, 53776, 3390). We checked two cross-sections in the left hemisphere for aIPg cell types (second cross-section FlyWire coordinate: 161278, 55953, 4590). Right: Right: aIPg cells shown in posterior and rotated views. Red line marks the cross-section shown at left. Arrows mark the aIPg-a,b,c projections.(
D) Left: Hemibrain (version 1.1) cells that share morphology with aIPg-a (SMP555/556; yellow arrow), aIPg-b (aIPg1-3 and 1 aIPg4; cyan arrow), and aIPg-c (SMP558 and a single aIPg4 cell). Middle: All cells labeled aIPg1-3 in the hemibrain (n = 11). Right: aIPg-b cells in FlyWire, shown in the same orientation as the middle panel. The same FlyWire aIPg-b cells are presented in (
C) and (