Trends are indicated by color shades from light green/light gray (lowest protein abundance across all four fractions) to dark green/dark gray (highest abundance; note that colors do not allow comparison of protein abundance between proteins). Abundance values are based on statistical evaluation of four biological replicates (S-rich) and three biological replicates (S-depl). Proteins marked with asterisks show statistically significant trends, that is, differences that are consistent across all replicates in S-rich or S-depl specimens (or both). White cells indicate that this protein was not detected in this sample or too low abundant to be included in statistical analyses. For an overview of all identified symbiont proteins and their relative abundances and for a summary of protein abundance trends sorted by metabolic category see
Supplementary files 2 and
3, respectively. Accession numbers refer to NCBI/JGI entries. SU: subunit, DUF: domain of unknown function, ss: single-stranded, transcr: transcription, assoc: associated, dep: dependent, HP: hypothetical protein, put: putative, oligopep: oligopeptide, ppc: periplasmic component, DHG: dehydrogenase: RubisCO: ribulose-1.5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, Ox: oxidase, OxRed: oxidoreductase, PEP: phosphoenolpyruvate, fcc: flavocytochrome c, rhd: rhodanese, resp: respiratory, cat: catalytic, Vit: vitamin and cofactor metabolism.