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. 2021 Jan 6;10:e58371. doi: 10.7554/eLife.58371

Appendix 1—table 2. Overview of symbiont protein identification numbers in all sample types in this study, that is in gradient fractions XS - L and in non-enriched trophosome homogenate (Hom).

ID count: number of identified proteins. Numbers are based on four biological replicates for sulfur-rich samples and three biological replicates for sulfur-depleted samples. Note that not all proteins were included in statistical analyses (StAn; see Materials and methods for details). GF: gradient fractions.

sulfur-rich trophosome sulfur-depleted trophosome total
Hom XS S M L Hom XS S M L
ID count 1151 1022 1296 1603 1722 1017 1099 1260 1605 1572 1946
ID count (Hom only) 1151 1017 1223
ID count (total all GF) 1821 1727 1898
ID count (total all sample types) 1867 1773 1946
Proteins in StAn 940 1081 1135 1134 1008 1091 1150 1143 1212
Proteins in StAn (total all GF) 1135 1151 1212