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. 2020 Dec 26;8:148–154. doi: 10.1016/j.toxrep.2020.12.022

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4

Representative flow cytometry histogram overlay plot showing decreased fluorescent intensity of cAGP4-IgM positive standard (a) and an anti-PEG IgM positive human plasma (b) resulting from the 0.5% Tween-20 interference assay (orange) and 20 kDa PEGylated polystyrene beads binding assay (black). The dashed line in a and b indicates the cutoff-point. (c) Representative Western blotting of elution from human IgM purification column with the application of cAGP4-IgM positive standard or positive (BRH1549118 and BRH1549169) and negative (BRH1549339) anti-PEG IgM plasma samples. Lane 60 kDa PEG: 62.5 ng; lane 40 kDa PEG: 125 ng.