Figure 2.
CB096 mode of binding investigated via 1D imino proton NMR. (a) CB096 broadens the imino proton signal of GC/CG base pairs at 12.5 ppm within the r(G4C2)8 hairpin. Blue labels indicate 5′GGC/3′CGG internal loops, whereas the orange labels indicate 5′CGG/3′GGC loops (G represents the G residues within the 1 × 1 GG internal loops). (b) CB096 does not affect the 1D imino proton signal of GC/CG base pairs at 12.5 ppm within the base pair control r(GGCC)10 RNA. Unique GC/CG base pairs within r(GGCC)10 are highlighted in green and yellow. The 1D NMR spectra are representative of two independent experiments. (c) Simplification of r(G4C2)8 secondary structure to the r(G4C2)2 duplex featuring two 5′GGC/3′CGG (blue squares) and one 5′CGG/3′GGC (orange square). (d) The 1D imino proton spectra of r(G4C2)2 duplex recapitulates the 1D imino proton peak pattern of r(G4C2)4 and r(G4C2)8. CB096 (1 equiv) broadens the peak at 12.5 ppm. 1D NMR spectra are representative of two independent experiments.