Fig. 4.
Neuroimaging and distribution of activated microglia and reactive astrocytes in the resected tissues (a–b). a FLAIR MRI, b DPA713PET, and c post-surgical T1-MRI for Patient 17 with TSC. This patient showed multiple cortical tubers (a, b). After examining the epileptogenic zone with subdural EEG, the focal resection was performed (c). In the resected tissue, immunohistochemistry for CD68 (d) and GFAP (e) showed prominent accumulation of activated microglia and reactive astrocytes. However, due to multiple lesions, although the seizure frequency was reduced, it persisted. f Association between the CD68 positive area and DPA713 uptake. DPA713 uptake had a positive association with the CD68 positive area (r = 0.857, P < 0.05. The X-axis indicates the CD68 positive area (area/mm2), and Y-axis indicates DPA uptake (SUVr). Scale bar, 100 μm