Fig. 3.
Variable screen performance. a Kernel density estimates of reference core-essential genes (red) and non-essential genes (blue) with SNU761 replicate B as an example of good screen (upper panel) and U178 replicate A as an example of marginal screen (lower panel). The good screen shows clear separation between core-essential and non-essential curves whereas the marginal screen shows less separation. b The equation of quality score. c Mean quality score of replicates and F-measure in cell line level shows clear correlation trends and differentiated by replicate screen counts per cell line. d Project Score CRISPR screen data recapitulated and followed the same trends of Avana set. e, f Relationship between the number of false positives in e BAGEL2 results and f CERES results across 517 cell lines in Avana data. Each dot colored by the number of essential genes