Fig. 4.
Associations between CpG sites and serum metabolic measures in the KORA F4 cohort and replication cohorts. Shown are all CpG sites and all metabolites with at least one significant association in the discovery analysis. Small dots: statistically significant association in the discovery analysis (KORA F4; p < 4.7 e−10). Large dots: significant associations in a meta-analysis of the results of the replication studies (LOLIPOP, NFBC1966, and YFS; p < 1.8e−4 and concordant direction of effect as discovery). Boxes are colored according to the signs and values of the coefficients after standardizing (subtraction of the mean, division by standard deviation) both the individual CpG site data and the log-transformed methylation data, to better visualize the relative strengths of association. D: diameter; C: cholesterol; CE: cholesterol esters; FC: free cholesterol; TG: triglycerides; P: particles; L: total lipids; PL: phospholipids; %: composition of a type of lipid to total lipids in a subclass of lipoprotein. See Additional file 1: Table S1 for a complete description of all abbreviations and the units of each serum metabolic measure