Table 3.
Results of the investigation into associations between CpG sites associated with metabolic measures and clinical outcomes, and the effect on associations when adjusting for lipid-lowering drug intake
CpG | Gene | Outcome | Model 1: Without adjustment for intake of lipid-lowering drugs | Model 2: Adjustment for intake of lipid-lowering drugs | Significant in | ||||||
Beta value M1 |
P_M1 | Bonf P M1 |
OR (95% CI) M1 |
Beta value M2 |
P_M2 | Bonf P M2 | OR (95%_CI) M2 |
cg19693031 | TXNIP | Diabetes | − 0.56 | 4.33E−09 | 2.08E−07 |
0.57 (0.47–0.69) |
− 0.59 | 1.32E−09 | 6.32E−08 |
0.55 (0.46–0.67) |
M1 and M2 |
cg06500161a | ABCG1 | MI | 0.70 | 2.87E−05 | 1.38E−03 |
2.02 (1.45–2.8) |
0.41 | 2.56E−02 | 1 |
1.5 (1.05–2.15) |
M1 only |
cg17901584 | DHCR24 | MI | − 0.65 | 4.37E−04 | 2.10E−02 |
0.52 (0.37–0.75) |
− 0.17 | 4.04E−01 | 1 |
0.85 (0.57–1.25) |
M1 only |
cg06500161b | ABCG1 | obesity | 0.35 | 3.94E−08 | 1.89E−06 |
1.42 (1.25–1.61) |
0.36 | 2.54E−08 | 1.22E−06 |
1.43 (1.26–1.63) |
M1 and M2 |
cg27243685b | ABCG1 | Obesity | 0.29 | 5.56E−06 | 2.67E−04 |
1.34 (1.18–1.52) |
0.30 | 3.96E−06 | 1.90E−04 |
1.35 (1.19–1.53) |
M1 and M2 |
cg00574958b | CPT1A | Obesity | − 0.29 | 3.30E−06 | 1.58E−04 |
0.75 (0.66–0.85) |
− 0.29 | 2.86E−06 | 1.37E−04 |
0.75 (0.66–0.84) |
M1 and M2 |
cg07504977b | LINC00263 | Obesity | 0.21 | 1.02E−03 | 4.87E−02 |
1.23 (1.09–1.39) |
0.21 | 1.04E−03 | 4.98E−02 |
1.23 (1.09–1.39) |
M1 and M2 |
cg16246545b | PHGDH | Obesity | − 0.29 | 5.88E−07 | 2.82E−05 |
0.74 (0.66–0.84) |
− 0.29 | 1.27E−06 | 6.11E−05 |
0.75 (0.67–0.84) |
M1 and M2 |
cg06690548b | SLC7A11 | Obesity | − 0.31 | 2.75E−07 | 1.32E−05 |
0.73 (0.65–0.83) |
− 0.30 | 3.76E−07 | 1.80E−05 |
0.74 (0.66–0.83) |
M1 and M2 |
cg11024682b | SREBF1 | Obesity | 0.34 | 1.26E−06 | 6.03E−05 |
1.4 (1.22–1.6) |
0.34 | 1.34E−06 | 6.45E−05 |
1.4 (1.22–1.6) |
M1 and M2 |
Associations of CpG site-clinical outcome in the KORA F4 cohort. Clinical outcomes: previous myocardial infarction, prevalent type 2 diabetes, obesity, and prevalent hypertension. Model 1: logistic regression model with clinical outcome as dependent variable and technically adjusted methylation value as independent variable, adjusted for the following covariates: age, sex, BMI (except for obesity model), C-reactive protein levels, hemoglobin A1c levels (except for diabetes model), history of myocardial infarction (except for the myocardial infarction model), smoking status, alcohol intake, current hypertension (except for the hypertension model), physical activity, white blood cell count, and estimated proportions of white blood cell types. Model 2: additionally adjusted for intake of lipid-lowering drugs (yes/no). Only statistically significant results are shown. P: p value; M1: model 1; M2: model 2; OR: odds ratio for a 1 standard deviation increase in methylation; CI: confidence interval
aAssociation using KORA F4 data in [15]
bAssociation using KORA F4 data in [25]