Fig. 4.
Correlation of diffusion and functional MRI with Open Field behavioural measures. Simple linear regression analysis of Parallel Diffusivity (Dp) (a–c), Orientation Dispersion Index (ODI) (d–f), and Kendall’s Coefficient of Concordance (KCC) from seven voxels neighbourhood Regional Homogeneity analysis of resting-state functional MRI (g–i), quantified from different regions of interest, the corpus callosum (cc—a, d), polymodal association area of the Thalamus (TH-pmc—b, e), Anterior Cingulate Area (ACA—c, f), Caudate Putamen (CPu—g), Amygdala (AM—h), and Insula (INS—I) with Thigmotaxis Index (TI). Regression analysis were performed across sham and CON day 2 cohorts combined (blue lines) or CON day 7 and CON day 14 combined (orange line). Regression lines displayed as mean and 95% confidence intervals slopes. ns = not significant, *p value < 0.05, **p value < 0.01