Fig. 4.
Randomized Testing Strategy and comparison with biased sampling for estimation of fatalities, and for estimate of death rate below a given percentage in areas with different infection and fatality rate. a 95% Confidence Interval size for the death rate given a sample size (S, x-axis), infection rate (p, line colors), and the real death rate (m, subplot panel). b Sample sizes needed to reject hypotheses that death rate > than 1, 2, 4, or 5% of the infected population. c Ratio of the CFR calculated from all tests (biased sampling), to the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) calculated from CDC’s seroprevalence study in CT. Serosurvey IFR is calculated by estimating the fraction of the state population having contracted the virus. d Comparison of the CFRs calculated from a hypothetical unbiased random sampling and biased sampling as a function of the sampling bias. Testing bias could be inferred from unbiased random sampling using this analysis