Fig. 4 |. Correlation between CD:CH (2,100 cm−1/2,845 cm−1) and protein:CH (1,665–1,680 cm−1/2,845 cm−1) ratios.
a, Heat maps of the CD:CH and protein:CH ratios in the intestine and epidermis. Scale bar, 10μm. The experiments were repeated three times, independently, with similar results. b, Density scatter plots of the correlations between CD:CH and protein:CH ratios at different dFA feeding or chase time points. The total numbers of intestinal lipid-rich particles were 810 for 4 h dFA feeding, 644 for 8 h dFA feeding, 1,010 for 12-h dFA feeding (or 0 h chase), 634 for 24 h chase and 876 for 30 h chase. The total numbers of epidermal lipid-rich particles were 162 for the 0 h chase, 211 for 24 h chase and 254 for 30 h chase. The data at each time point were obtained from n = 3 biologically independent animals. The line and shading in the graph represent the linear regression and 95% confidence interval, respectively. The Pearson correlation coefficients (r) are 0.13 and 0.35 (4 h and 8 h dFA feeding, intestine); -0.08, -0.7 and -0.69 (0 h, 24 h and 30 h chase, intestine); -0.13, 0.2 and -0.18 (0 h, 24 h and 30 h chase, epidermis).