Fig. 5 |. Characterization of lipid-rich particles in C. elegans with the ensemble machine-learning method.
a, CARS (2,845 cm−1) image and the result after applying the ensemble machine-learning method. In the image of ensemble machine learning, purple represents lipid-storage particles, red represents PLP-like particles, and the coded colors for lipoprotein particles represent the fraction of lipid-storage and PLP-like components. Scale bar, 10μm.The panels on the right are expansions of the regions enclosed by dashed yellow boxes. b, Retrieved Raman spectra of the regions of interest (ROIs) indicated in a. The lines and shading represent the mean values and 1s.d. of the pixel intensities in the ROI. c, Histogram of long-term dFA-retaining depots in the epidermis (lipid-storage particles, purple), PLP in rme-2 (red) and pooled data of intestinal lipid-rich particles in wild-type adult worms (hashed pattern, n=5)after applying linear regression based on the spectra of two extremes shown in Supplementary Fig.7b. d, Average percentage of two particle classes (lipid-storage and PLP-like) and intermediate mixtures (lipoprotein particles) in early L4 intestine, adult intestine, adult epidermis and adult gonad of fed hermaphrodites as well as the intestine of fed adult males (him-5) are shown. For short-term (2–3 h) starvation, average percentages of the particles in the adult intestine, epidermis and gonad of hermaphrodites are shown. Error bars represent s.d. Each measurement is presented as a dot. n=5 biologically independent animals for fed hermaphrodite tissues including early L4 intestine, adult intestine and adult epidermis; n=6 biologically independent animals for fed adult gonad; n=4 biologically independent animals for male adult (him-5); n=5 biologically independent animals for short-term starved adult intestine; n=2 biologically independent animals for short-term starved adult epidermis and gonad. Approximately 104 particles were classified in total.