Fig. 2. Common genetic variants jointly associated with loneliness and MD, BD, SCZ, and BMI at conjFDR <0.05.
Manhattan plots for loneliness and A) major depression, B) bipolar disorder, C) schizophrenia and D) body mass index. Manhattan plots showing the −log10 transformed conjFDR values for each SNP on the y axis and chromosomal positions along the x axis. SNPs with conjunction FDR < 0.05 (i.e., −log10 FDR > 1.3) are shown with enlarged data points. A black circle around the enlarged data points indicates the most significant SNP in each LD block. The figure shows the localization of the “conjunctional loci”, and further details are provided in Supplementary Tables 17–20. MD major depression, SCZ schizophrenia, BD bipolar disorder, BMI body mass index, conjFDR conjunctional FDR.