Fig. 1.
Cognitive reappraisal and CSE mediate the link between religious coping and reduced emotional distress. Displayed are the mediation models demonstrating significant negative indirect effects of reappraisal and CSE on the relation between religious coping and decreased anxiety (a) and depression (b) symptoms. Path a refers to the relation from the predictor variable (X) to the corresponding mediator variables (M), and path b refers to the relation from M to the outcome variable (Y), while controlling for X. Path c refers to the total effect from X to Y, and path c’ refers to the direct effect from X to Y controlling for M. The indirect effects are represented by the interaction term ab, and the significance of these effects was tested using bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Unstandardized regression coefficients are displayed; *significant at p < 0.05, **significant at p < 0.01