Principal Component Analyses (PCA) indicate overall sample variance
in a) BAL and b) blood AGM transcriptomes when
filtered by day post infection (dpi) and are shown to highlight
time-dependent host transcriptional changes. PC1 (principal component 1),
PC2 (principal component 2). c) At the indicated time point,
the expression of individual virus-specific probes in BAL samples of each
subject is plotted. Data are presented as mean values +/− SD.
Statistics were derived from n=6 biologically independent animals/samples
for pre-, 3, and 5 dpi time points and n=3 biologically independent
animals/samples for the 7 dpi time point in a single experiment. A mixed
effects model with Geisser-Greenhouse correction and a Tukey’s
multi-comparisons test revealed no statistical significance between
individual probes at any particular time point, but significant overall
time-dependent effects (p=0.0003).