A Image of two adjacent ICC-IM in the CM layer of the proximal colon of a Kit-Cre-GCaMP6f mouse. The cells are highlighted by Green (Cell 1) and Red (Cell 2) boxes. B STMs of the Ca2+ transient activity in the two highlighted cells from A, with their Ca2+ activity thresholded to a uniform Green (Cell 1) or Red color (Cell 2). Period of excitatory EFS (10Hz, 10 sec, LNNA (100 μM) + MRS 2500 (1 μM)) is indicated by the dashed white box. C Merged STM of the colored STMs in B. Period of excitatory EFS (10Hz, 10 sec, LNNA (100 μM) + MRS 2500 (1 μM)) is shown by the dashed white box.